Super Fudgy Brownies

January 16, 2012 § 1 Comment

Growing up, I wasn’t a huge birthday cake kid. I always preferred something gooier- like cheesecake or underbaked brownies. Turns out I married a non-birthday-cake person as well! Andrew’s typical birthday “cake” is blueberry pie, which I made along with brownies for his birthday.

These brownies are the same ones from this deliciousness. So far, I had only made them as part of ice cream sandwiches (whether accidental or not) but this time I just made them as gloriously delicious, fudgy brownies. Can’t stop eating them. WordPress thinks that fudgy is not a word. It is totally a word.

This is the original recipe . Most brownie recipes call for baking chocolate, but this one manages to have a deliciously rich outcome using cocoa instead. I’m sure that doesn’t have anything to do with the 10 tablespoons of butter…


  • 10 T butter
  • 1 1/4 cups sugar
  • 3/4 cup + 2 T unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup flour


Line an 8×8 baking dish with lightly greased parchment paper (or foil). Preheat your oven to 325°.

Fill a large skillet about 1/3 of the way with water and heat it until it is barely simmering. In a large, heatproof bowl place your butter, sugar, cocoa, and salt. Place the bowl in the pan of water, mixing occasionally, until the butter is melted and the ingredients have been combined. Let it cool slightly, until it is no longer hot when you touch it.

Stir in the vanilla. One at a time, add the eggs stirring after each one until it is fully mixed. Add the flour. When you can no longer see it, beat vigorously to make sure everything is mixed well.

Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake it for 25-30 minutes, or until they are set. Let them cool for as long as you can stand to wait…the cooler they are the easier they are to cut. The warmer they are, the more delicious they are…it’s a toss up.


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